
Horsepower in use to the south of the village
Pony power – Mr Donald Maclean senior, farmer at Glackmore, returning from Kessock Ferry in his gig, c1910.
The Clydesdale was the basic form of power on the farm until relatively recent times. The hair from the tails of Clydesdales was used for “tuppings” by fishermen – these attached hooks to lines.
Clydesdales at Easter Suddie

About two hundred years ago when the Reverend James Smith of Avoch wrote of the farmer’s “miserable poneys or garrons” in his parish, the Clydesdale breed of horse had already been developed in Lanarkshire.

Clydesdales became popular throughout Scotland because of their strength, docility and hardiness.

On the farm, the needs of the Clydesdales took precedence over that of the men. The horses had to be groomed and fed with bruised oats and hay by 6am and before the horseman had his meals during the day. (Right – Jimmy Ross with his Clydesdale).

Garron and Clydesdale. This picture was taken by Frank W Ritchie, Macduff (by kind permission of Ian Sutherland, Wick)
Mr W MacIver, The Insch, and his Clydesdale
Clydesdales at Cawdor
This engine and mill at Eathie Road on the way to a farm must have been one of the last to make such a journey (late 1950s)
Mr W Jack at Balmungie, Eathie, using a very early tractor, before he became farmer at Rosehaugh Mains