
Danny Gray and his staff of carpenters outside his house “Inverleod” (more recently a B&B)
Chisholm’s had a staff of 24 painters in their Avoch branch who worked mainly at Rosehaugh. Tom MacDonald (2nd right) and his father (2nd left) later took over the business, whose premises were opposite the chip shop (near where Brenda May’s is now).

George MacLeman, Coal Merchant, shareholder of the Young Fox, the last vessel owned by the MacLeman family. The Young Fox was lost at sea with all hands in the 1910s.

The most popular schooner he owned was the Dispatch which was built at Spey Bay and served as a “Q” ship during Word War I.

The coal business was passed to his son, George MacLeman, who carried on the business till his death in 1957. “Coal in those days cost 1/- per cwt and was sold in 1/4 and 1/2 cwts to suit people’s means.” (Mrs A MacLeman)

“Spotty’s Garage” – the first petrol pump in the village, circa 1926 (and until recently the Avoch Filling Station, and now a community garden). Left to right, Willie Skinner, George MacLeman, Alexander MacDonald (Spotty), Mrs Helen MacDonald (his wife), Doris MacLeman (London) and Netta MacDonald. The owner of the Austin was Donald MacLeman.
John Smith’s bakery cart
John Smith’s bakery at the turn of the century. Do you recognise anyone? If so, let us know.
Note the steps up to the shop door.

Quite a lot of the girls of Avoch went to find work at Boots the Chemist in Nottingham during World War 1. Mrs Simon Reid (Jess) is third from the left in the front row. Do you recognise any others – please let us know.